Fishing can be a great, romantic outing if you’re looking for a unique date night experience. Grab a blanket, pack a picnic basket with your favorite snacks and a bottle of wine, load up your rod and reel and sneak away to your favorite fishing hole for a date your sweetheart will never forget.
1. Hot for teacher. Nothing is more romantic than teaching your significant other something. Imagine all those movie scenes where the boy stands behind the girl to help her shoot pool, swing a bat or put a golf ball. Hence, you can recreate one of these magical moments by teaching your date the fine art of casting and reeling.
2. The night sky. Instead of hum drum daytime fishing when the lake is crowded with people, take your loved one for a romantic nighttime fishing trip. You can cast your line, and enjoy each other’s company under a blanket of beautiful stars while you’re waiting on a bite.
3. Share your interests. Whether you’ve been together forever or you’re in a new relationship, sharing your hobbies is a great way to get to know someone. If fishing is a major part of your life, your date will enjoy watching you in your element and learning why you love it so much. You never know, it might turn in to something you do together regularly.
4. You can go big or small. A major fear when planning a date is not knowing what is appropriate for the level of your relationship. Buying diamonds after a month is overkill, but being too casual a year in is a big no-no. With a fishing date, you can make it as simple or elaborate as you like. Pack a picnic lunch for an afternoon of fishing and food for a new relationship, or book a weekend getaway in a cozy cabin for your longtime sweetheart.
5. You can be alone. Perhaps the most appealing part of a fishing date is being truly alone. Restaurants are overcrowded and movie theatres are packed—where is the romance in that? Escaping to a quiet river, pond or the lake, getting you away from crowds, kids, televisions and cell phones for quality time. Just don’t tell anyone else where you’re going … they might try to tag along!
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